Monday, December 28, 2015

Pregnancy: Second Trimester Favorites

Considering that I only have about seven more weeks (!) to go in this pregnancy, this post is a little overdue. I had a hard time coming up with a lot of favorites for the second trimester (I'll have more to include in my Third Trimester Favorites post) but there are a few items I really wanted to share. For the record, I continued using and enjoying the items mentioned in my First Trimester Favorites post as well, so feel free to check that out for more recommendations!

Second Trimester Favorites |

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Pregnancy: Week 31

Sorry this post is a little belated, I'm trying to work out a good blog-writing schedule but honestly, it's tough right now. To anyone who's still reading even though my content has been majorly lacking lately--thank you so much for your patience!

Week 31:

Baby: The size of a broccoli stalk, about 16.2 inches long and 3.3 pounds. 

Weight: Gained another pound, total gain of nine pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Yes!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Pregnancy: Week 30

Week 30:

Baby: The size of a cabbage, about 15.7 inches long and 2.9 pounds. 

Weight: No gain this week, still a total of eight pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Yes!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Pregnancy: Week 29

Week 29:

Baby: The size of a cauliflower, about 15.2 inches long and 2.5 pounds. 

Weight: No gain this week, still a total of eight pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Yes!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Pregnancy: Week 28

Week 28:

Baby: The size of a large eggplant, about 14.8 inches long and 2.2 pounds. 

Weight: Gained about one pound again, total gain of eight pounds for the pregnancy.

Maternity Clothes: For the most part, still occasionally wearing some regular tops that are really long and stretchy.