Friday, November 6, 2015

Pregnancy: Week 24

Baby: The size of a large zucchini, about 11.8 inches long and 1.3 pounds. 

Weight: Gained about one pound, total gain of four pounds for the pregnancy.

Maternity Clothes: Pretty much all the time. 

Boy or Girl: Boy!

Belly Button In or Out: Flattening out more and more every day but still an innie!

Wedding Ring On or Off: On--still no swelling so far.

Cravings: Not really. I did manage to eat Mexican food again this week! One of our favorite places to get food is a local chain that's similar to Chipotle and I had one of their delicious bowls for the first time in months. It just suddenly didn't sound terrible to me and I though I'd give it a try and it tasted sooooo good. Yay!

Aversions: Still avoiding anything really spicy, tomato-based sauces, and garlic, and anything greasy/fried.

Exercise: Mixture of Lindsey Brin's second trimester workout and some Tracy Anderson.

Symptoms: Definitely feeling more energy--finally! I noticed more heartburn this week, maybe just because my belly is definitely growing and there's less room for my stomach? Finally had some lower back pain and I've been feeling what I think is round ligament pain in my belly/groin area and occasional Braxton-Hicks contractions. I've noticed, especially at work, that this seems to worsen when I do a lot of bending over. I'll probably need to start being more careful to crouch down with my knees rather than trying to bend at the waist. Although, when I'm getting up and down too much, I start feeling a little light-headed, so there you go.

Anything Noteworthy: Still working hard on doing research for our registry and feeling a leeetle overwhelmed with all the choices. I had my first total stranger comment on my bump and ask what I was having this week and I have to say I'm actually enjoying the fact that I finally look pregnant and not just like I had a huge meal. ;) There was one twenty-four hour period where baby boy was very quiet and I started to get a little worried, but I think he was just using his energy to grow or else just wasn't moving in a way I could easily feel because he got right back to his usual schedule of moving around.

What to Look Forward to Next Week: Working on our registry--I plan on going in to the stores and actually scanning everything in sight my well-thought-out choices this week. Enjoying some warmer weather in our area after a cold snap last week. 

Any heartburn remedies out there that any former pregnant mamas can recommend? And I'd still love to hear any advice you have on gear you absolutely couldn't have lived without--or that you bought but never used.

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