Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How to Water Tillandsia (Air Plants)

I love indoor plants. There's something about having living, green things in a room that just makes it feel more cheerful and homey. I'm always looking for new plants to bring home and add to my collection. So when our local greenhouse began selling tillandsia, or air plants, a few years ago, I had to give them a try. And I'm so glad I did!

How to Care for Tillandsia (Air Plants) -

As the name implies, air plants don't require soil to grow. They do, however, need water. They can be misted regularly, or you can do what I do and give them regular baths. About once a week, I fill a bowl or pitcher with tap water and then leave it to sit for about twenty-four hours. (This gives the chlorine a chance to dissipate.) Then I just dunk my air plants in the water and leave them there while I do other things, for about ten or fifteen minutes.

How to Care for Tillandsia (Air Plants) -

How to Care for Tillandsia (Air Plants) -

How to Care for Tillandsia (Air Plants) -

You can set them to dry on a towel or paper towel, but I've had no problems just putting them back on their bed of rocks. (You do want to be careful handling the plants while they're wet, because the leaves can be a bit fragile.)

How to Care for Tillandsia (Air Plants) -

Air plants are among the easiest plants I've ever cared for and I love how unique they are! There are so many different ways to display them--in fact, I plan on writing an upcoming post with lots of ideas.

Have you ever tried growing tillandsia? What have you found to be the best way to care for air plants?

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